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We would like to invite you to our Meet & Greet during the KICKOFF DAY on 14 October at Trix! The KICKOFF DAY provides an engaging afternoon customized for the international (student-)entrepreneur. You can meet inspiring entrepreneurs and ask them all your burning entrepreneurial questions.

HOWEVER, we need your help to make it an unforgettable experience! Do you have a challenge you are struggling with as an international student? Do you have a question you haven't found an answer to yet? Or do you just want to see how others deal with international business? This is your chance!

We challenge you to come up with your own challenge to tackle during our Meet & Greet.

How do you participate? It's very simple!

  1. Make up a challenge

  2. Submit your challenge via THIS FORM


Don't miss out! Register for FREE for our KICKOFF and kick off the new academic year with us! You can also attend many English-language workshops. Check out the programme HERE.

We look forward to hearing your exciting challenges!



TAKEOFFANTWERP_ is een initiatief van de Associatie Universiteit & Hogescholen Antwerpen, in samenwerking met stad Antwerpen, UAntwerpen, KdG Hogeschool, AP Hogeschool, Antwerp Maritime Academy (HZS), Voka - Kamer van Koophandel Antwerpen-Waasland en SINC. VLAIO ondersteunt dit ecosysteem. #jongondernemen

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